Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Be Very Afraid

Member: Ken Biba
Club: AeroPAC
Motor: M1315
Altitude: 20,000' agl
Project Goal:
  • 16 lb Bowling Ball
  • Supersonic
  • Dual Deploy
  • 3" min diameter carbon airframe.
What more really needs to be said?

XPRSso Love

Member: Ken Biba
Club: AeroPAC
Motor: N1000
Altitude: 45,000' agl
Project Goal: Current N single stage record holder. Flying again ... just maybe to get that extra 1k'!

Dare to Rock

Member: Ken Biba
Club: AeroPAC
Motor: H180
Altitude: 2500 agl
Project Goal: A mini bowling ball rocket with a 2lb mini Elvis Presley "He Dared To Rock" bowling ball. Simply irresistible.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Member: Jason Trotter
Motors: D10-7 (1x), A10T-0 (6x)
Altitude: 1600'
Project Goal: This is my first self-designed rocket. It is a single stage, cluster. All 7 motors are minimum diameter, with a central 18mm and 6 outboard 13mm motors.

Project Note: This rocket is being submitted with the encouragement an suggestion of Bill Earls.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Insanity 2.5

Members: James Marino & Dave Riamondi
Clubs: AeroPAC, LUNAR
Altitude: 30,000'
Motors: M2500AF to M1950AF
Project Goal: To successfully stage a PR Competitor 4 off the top of a PR Competitor 5 booster using research motors and a custom machined aluminum interstage coupler system. And to have a lot of fun. 8^)

10K NSec M2500 AlumaFlame Bates in the booster, active stage separation @ booster burnout, then a short delay to a 6K NSec M1950 AlumaFlame Bates in the sustainer.

Booster main @ apogee, sustainer dual-d using CD3 @ apogee, with main around 2K.

Project Note: Flying Monday morning at XPRS/Rx, before all the ARLISS students arrive.

Needle Jr.

Member: Bill Earls
Club: AeroPAC
Altitude: 20,500'
Motor: CTI J-530
Project Goal: This is my Needle Jr. Project. It is a 38mm minimum diameter rocket. It is 27"L and weighs less than 20oz. All carbon fiber and a metal strip under the fiber along the root edge of the fins. This rocket is extremely strong and can handle mach 3+ flights. I will be putting it up on a CTI 6GXL J530 IMAX motor. It sims to over mach 2.5 and reaches well over 20k Ft. it will house a Raven for altitude verification as well as a Walston for tracking.


Member: Vern Knowles
Club: Tripoli Idaho Rocketry
Altitude: 23,000'
Motor: N1000
Project Goal: Primary goal is to just have fun! This will also be a test flight with a new version of a GPS telemetry system that provides real time flight data announcements using a synthesized voice known as Kate.

Gumby and Little Joey I

Member: Jamie Clay
Club: AeroPAC
Motors: Cluster of 4 F-40s with one central I
Avionics: Perfectflite MAWD
Project description: Like Mercury Joe, LJ1 recovers in three components - booster, capsule and tower with a video camera on the tower, with Gumby at the helm.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Flower Power (Small Endeavor)

Member: Donald Blair
Club: AeroPAC
Altitude: 3500'
Motor: I211-w
Project Goal: To obtain my Level 1 (oh please, oh please)

Goldy LOCS

Member: Steve Kendall
Club: AeroPAC
Motor: G to H
Project Goal: Most likely will be flown forst flight on a SU For G motor, and, if the paint survives and the winds are favorable, maybe a small H.
Paint technique: Candy Gold over silver with Airbrush highlights
Project Note: This is a LOC Graduator, 29mm MMT. No electronics, just cool paint. Originally, it was to be rainbow colored, but I got lazy. The paint is House Of Kolor Kandy Aztec Gold over Orion Silver (how appropriate, no?) and the N/C is painted Kandy Fire Orange, with airbrush highlights on the fins.


Member: Bill Earls
Club: AeroPAC
Altitude: 31k'
Motor: CTI K-300
Project Goal: This is my altitude record attempt. Leopard was launched last year to 21,607ft on an L935. This year I am putting it up on a K-300 long burn to a projected altitude of 31k. Since last year I removed some weight and shortened the booster by 6".

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Astroboy: Take three!

Member: Jamie Clay
Club: AeroPac
Altitude: Good question to ask.
Motors: Aerotech single use Fs (or maybe Gs)

Project Goal: To make Astro Boy fly a good stable flight and THIS time get the parachute out!! This is the third year, and we all know third times the charm! :)

The Black Brant Flies again (with Chili)

Member: Peter Clay
Club: AeroPac
Motor: Research M
Project Goal: This years XPRS will mark the 7th “Birthday of my Black Brant II. At last years XPRS on it’s 9th flight I blew a hole right through the side of her upper airframe. One of the e-charges was too tightly packed and basically turned into an M-80 and when packing the chute it was pushed up against the side, when it went off it blew about a 1.5” hole right through the airframe.

Now that she is repaired, she is ready to make her 10th flight, but with a little something extra added in. This year the Black Brant will be carrying a payload of some of my Chili, taking it to new heights. If the Chili survives it will be of course served at the first annual XPRS Chili Cook off.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mercury Joe: Project Pilgrim

Member: Jamie Clay
Club: AeroPac
Altitude: 2200'
Web site:

Project Goal: To land the Freedom 7 capsule upright on its own landing legs!

Luck Runs Out

Member: Darryl Paris
Club: AeroPAC
Motors: L952W, (2) J350W, (2) I200W
Project Goal: To build something other than three fins & a nosecone by constructing a big, complex multi-staged rocket with multiple clustered air starts and catch it all with on-board video. This is no mach buster but a sport flyer under the BDR category.

LRO details:

  • 150" tall
  • 6" dia first stage- L952W
  • 4" dia second stage with four motors, lights (2) J350's first, then small coast and lights (2) I200's First high power two stage First 98mm motor

Project Note: Sustainer flown twice before here:

Nibbles Lander

Member: Kurt Gugisberg
Club: Rocketry Organization of California
Web Page:
Altitude: 2000 feet
Motors: J570 central--H180 airstart--H128 airstart
Project Goal: Nibbles the World Famous Astro Cat is testing his Lunar Lander in preparation for his attempt to be the first feline to land on the Moon. With the help and guidance from Mercury Joe, Nibbles is planning this sub-orbital flight as a test-bed for his guidance and recovery systems. God speed Nibbles! Meow!!


Member: Bill Earls
Club: AeroPAC
Altitude: 30,000'
Motor: N-2501 / N-3180
Project Goal: This is my L3 project!!